how much is a Russian visa

How Much is a Russian Visa

Visas are one of the most important things to have if you are planning to travel outside of the US. Visas can be obtained by submitting an application to the corresponding foreign embassy or consulate office. The location of these offices varies depending on the country. They are usually centered around major cities or travel hubs in the US. If you are planning to travel to Russia, you can look forward to going through this process since a valid visa is required to enter the country. The Russian visa that you apply for will depend on your purpose for traveling to the country. With so many options, many people consider it challenging to get a Russian visa but this is far from the truth. Companies such as Travel Visa Pro make it easy to get a Russian visa.

how much is a Russian visa

One of the biggest concerns that travelers have about the Russian visa process is the costs. The price of a Russian visa varies due to numerous factors that can affect the price. These factors include the type of visa you’re applying for, how long you’re planning to stay in the country, the amount of time you have to get your visa before your trip, plus other miscellaneous services that you may need when applying for it.

Knowing the reason for your trip is necessary before even applying for a Russian visa, let alone figuring out how much a Russian visa will cost. There are a variety of Russian visas that you can get such as tourist, business, study, and more. Each of these visas have different lengths of allowable time in the country, different activities that you’re allowed to do while in Russia, and other restrictions. If you’re applying for a tourist visa, for example, you are only allowed to do general sightseeing with no paid or commercial activities. However, if you apply for a business visa, you’ll be able to attend meetings, prospect for new clients, and other activities. Not only do they have different allowances but there are also different submission requirements when applying for them.

The length of time that you are planning to stay in the country can also affect the cost of getting a Russian visa. Some visas allow you to be in the country for only one month such as a Russian Tourist visa. Other visas, like a work visa, means that you will be working for your Russian employers while visiting. This can range from short- or long-term stay in the country so the price of each visa will vary as well.

russian visa costs

How Much is a Russian Visa

Perhaps one of the most important factors affecting the price of your Russian visa is how much time you have before your trip. Since you’ll need to have your official visa in hands before your flight, it’s advised that you submit your visa application early to have time for it to be processed and sent back to you. Visas are often forgotten about until right before you’re scheduled to leave or some people may be planning last minute trips to the country. In these instances, Travel Visa Pro is a great option to get your Russian visa. We can provide expedited service to have your visa within a few days of applying for it. This is a higher cost option due to the logistics. You visa will have to be delivered to the nearest Russian office in person to be processed faster.

There are a few other miscellaneous services through Travel Visa Pro that can affect how much you’ll be spending to get your Russian visa. Some travelers are hesitant about completing the visa application on their own. We provide a special concierge service that walks you through the entire application process and keeps you updated throughout so you’ll know the status of your visa application. If you have already filled out the information and included all of your materials but unsure if it’s correct, we can review your submission before it gets sent to the foreign office. This is a good way to avoid delays since incomplete and incorrect information are the most common causes for rejected applications.

Considering these factors, travelers could pay a wide range for their Russian visa. Even without all of the extra add-on services, there is a required service fee and consulate fee for any type of Russian visa. For general comparison purposes, you could end up spending an average of $200-$500 on your visa. With added services, this price can be as high as over $800 for a Russian visa.